Plexus #34 (Please enjoy while you read).
This week I visited the Amon Carter modern art museum in Fort Worth.  Gabriel Dawe, creator of Plexus Number 34, is a local Texas artist. Gabriel specializes in works of art that are made of thread in detailed color variations. These threads are made to form both rainbows and prism formations. Plexus Number 34 is his largest piece, it is composed of 80 miles of thread.  (Figure 1)

Figure 1. Plexus No. 34 is composed of 80 miles of thread.

Gabriel is a homosexual Hispanic male, whom according to him,  feels the need to challenge the manly-man image he believes our American culture expect of us as men. The laborous work that goes into installing the many hooks and individual strands, signifies Gabriel trying to overcome this macho stereotypical role that society expects from him as a male.
With over 50 pieces currently installed and on display, he is certainly achieving his goals of showing that men are capable of creating gorgeous textile pieces too!

According to Gabriel, he started ” working with textiles as a way of  challenging emotions of gender identity… and macho cultures” (Gabriel Dawe YouTube Interview). You can tell by the size of his displays, Gabriel is challenging the stereotype of art that fits in local museums today. Gabriel’s choice of primarily textiles is based upon the discouragement he received from his grandmother as a young boy. His interest in non-gender conforming roles, like sewing and textiles is what encouraged his development of textile art. His art is a true testament to breaking those gender bound chains that bind our sexes to social norms. (Fig.)

Broken chains that represent the obstacles Gabriel has to overcome being a male using textiles as art.

Gabriel’s use of intricate color patterns have so many hidden and proudly displayed meanings associated with them.  Plexus No. 34 display a breathtaking rainbow of colors, prominently displaying his LGBT pride flag, and the diversity of his community. Gabriel uses the lines and colors in these pieces to askew the lines that shape his reality, others’ expectations and social norms (Figures 3 & 4).  
Figure 3. Dawe displays another of his string art that distorts light.
Figure 4. This piece truly shows how Dawe rattles that lines for social norms through his art work.

Green, Martin. “Severed Chain.” Stock Photos, Video Footage & Audio by Dreamstime. Web.
YouTube. (Nov. 23, 2015) Gabriel Dawe interview for WONDER at the Renwick gallery. [Video File]

YouTube. “Somewhere Over The Rainbow”. [ Video File]

Bayne, Jen.  ”Art She Hearts” 10-3-11.    4-20-17


  1. Wow! Gabriel Dawes work is incredible! I love all the hidden messages and the motivation behind his work. I’ve never heard of this artist but I can tell from his work he will be successful is his goal to break out of societal norms and redefine the expectations of the “macho man”. I’m so impressed with his work using such a delicate and fragile media as sewing thread. What I see from his ability to work so patiently with it, stringing it thread by thread to create this captivating, breathtaking piece of art that holds so much meaning is a representation of societies progress with accepting those of the LGBT community and those of other races. with patience and persistence, thread by thread we are becoming an accepting society. Great post!


  2. Sarah,
    Thank you for the great feedback! I thoroughly enjoyed the work. Go check it out for yourself, he is a local artist so I am keeping an eye out for more of his work.


  3. Great post! Dawes work looks amazing. I will have to take a trip to Fort Worth Amon Carter museum and check it out myself. His work looks super cool and unique. It is crazy he made his art out of textiles, threads. It is really neat, it looks like light to me. I would have never guessed it was made out of tiny pieces of thread. I love how he is trying to break the normal social norm of a macho man.


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